30. Vertigo (1958) Movie Review: Falling in Love Sucks

What can you say about a classic movie that has never been said before? When a movie has been hated at release and loved in retrospect, pretty much everything of note has been picked over. So, um, Vertigo is a movie.

    Detective Scottie (Stewart) watched his fellow officer fall to his death, so he's kinda shaken up. His friend then hires him to follow the friend's wife (Novak). What follows is a tale of twisted love and deceit that's wrapped up in a random flashback before a fall from a tower. It's classic, it's Hitchcock, it's Vertigo.

    Seriously, what can I say? Is Stewart to old for the role at this point in his career? Yep. Maybe Novak was too young? Sure. They both knock the roles out of the park and have a somewhat strained chemistry, though.

    Is the plot a twisted mess? Sort of, but it makes sense if you buy into the idea. The reveal is the big problem, made while a woman stands still and thinks over the events of the movie. Talking about that even more brings spoilers. I don't want to do that. You should walk into this sixty year old movie knowing as little as possible.

    So go, find this one and check it out. If anything, it's good for old shots of San Francisco.