Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor

From the deep Depression-era south is a story of hope and hatred and one family's story.


1993 - Louisiana - Arcadia High School removed from ninth-grade reading list for racial bias.

1998 - California - Challenged at O'Hara Park Middle School in Oakley for "racial epithets."

2000 - Alabama - Challenged at Chapman Elementary School libraries in Huntsville for "racial slurs in dialogue to make points about racism."

2004 - Florida - Challenged but retained at Seminole County school curriculum after an African American family raised concerns about the book, finding it inappropriate for their thirteen-year-old son.


Crowe, Chris. "Mildred D.Taylor." The Mississippi writer's Page. University of Mississippi, 2015. Retrieved 8 Dec 2017 from

Doyle, Robert P. "Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry." Banned Books: Challenging Our Freedom to Read. ALA, 2014.

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
By Mildred D. Taylor