Thunder in the Cloud

The windows on the north side of the library shook when the thunder rolled through. The sound came in waves crashing against the glass, one rumbling after another. Everyone looked out at the dark clouds.

     "I think the power might go out," the librarian said to the page.

     The page nodded.

     The patrons sat at the computers. Some mumbled to themselves, some sang, while others hunched over the keyboard an inch from the screen and hunted. They hunted for things only they would know when they found.

     "Let's go around. Tell everyone to save. Just in case," the librarian said.

     They started on the right while the page went left. They said quietly, "Just in case the power goes out, remember to save if you're working on something." They waved when the person had headphones. They offered to help print and flash drives. The computers would save nothing.

     Another roll of thunder with a flash. The windows rattled again. The patrons continued to work.

     When they were done, the librarian and the page went ahead and made signs. Power out. Internet not available. If anyone would read them in the dark, they didn't know. 

     When nature flipped the switch, it was quiet. No thunder or lightning or dramatic crack from the heavens. Just a flicker of the lights and everything was dark.

     People paused. The rain hit the windows. Shadows creeped and filled all the empty spaces. The quiet came as the computer hum and the click clack of fingers died.

     "What happened?" one voice said.

     "Power's out," another said.

     Another: "No shit."

     One man stood and walked to the librarian and the page standing at the desk. "When's the power coming back?"

     The librarian said they did not know.

     "I almost had that printed. Good thing I saved," he said.

     The page said the computers did not save. Unless he did it in the cloud.

     "I just hit the save. Because of those clouds," the man said and pointed at the rain splattered north facing windows where the dark clouds blotted out the sun.

     They tried to explain all the way until the lights came back. Then more thunder, this time inside the library.